
A category description is a paragraph or two of content on the page representing an entire category of blog posts

Spinach soup for pitta dosha

How To Balance Pitta Dosha

According to Ayurvedic medicine, each person has a unique constitution according to the three life forces, or doshas. This Ayurvedic body type is innate and

Moon Milk with Rose for kapha dosha

How To Balance Kapha Dosha

One of the fundamental concepts of Ayurvedic theory, the ancient practice of holistic medicine, is the idea of body type or unique energy. This “human

Connecting with nature reduces anxiety

Reduce Anxiety With Ayurveda

Maintaining our everyday life is subjective to whether we can balance constant stress and anxiety and our inner mental peace. There is an exceptionally close

Moong Dal Soup

3-Day Ayurvedic Cleanse To Reset

Ayurvedic cleanse is a great way to keep your body in check and to maintain wellness. A three-day Ayurvedic detox can do wonders, as it